Due to COVID regulations the REGISTRATIONS FOR THE EVENT IN PRESENCE ARE NOW CLOSED. Further attendee can participate to the Macrogiovani 2021 ONLINE SESSION.
Deadline: July 21th, 2021
According to the Italian law, attendance to events organized by learned not-for-profit Associations, such as AIM, is reserved to their members (www.aim.it). Consequently, each participant must firstly associate to AIM before registering to Macrogiovani 2020. The membership is for one year. Separate receipts for AIM membership and Conference fee will be issued.
1° step to do: Register to AIM
Link to https://aim.planetweb-it.com and complete the registration (20 €, for non-members).
2° step to do: Register to Macrogiovani 2021
You can now register to Macrogiovani 2021.
Download the registration form and abstract template (one page in English), fill them, and send them to macrogiovani@aim.it.